So these days, it's like
I should feel guilt for my very existence.
I'm a white, heterosexual man
living in a democracy
I'm a hard worker, pay my bills
I have no debts, and I plan for the future
I never was a slave, nor were my father's fathers
I don't tread on a glass floor, though I suspect some people might look up to me.
I've got an unimpressive penis
which means I will put more effort into love
but I'll never give birth to anything, except for the work I devote myself to.
Somehow I should feel guilt or shame for being me?
A white man
not gay, though mostly a happy fellow
not a lady, though I am sensitive and do appreciate the finer things in life
light-skinned, and I do occasionally burn myself when I go too far
but I heal
But why, pray tell, why should I feel I owe something to anyone?
Why should I feel shame, or guilt
for being me
I like me.
I'm a great guy.
Honest, I am.
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