Mon Ami

Runoilija Draconia

Liittynyt: 28.3.2007

Asuinpaikka: -

Mie oon runoilija, riimittelijä, mutta mietelmiä, ajatuksia, ja pitkiä kirjoituksia syntyy myös toisinaan.

I've never thought that I would get someone like you
I never believe it, but I dreamt about it
I know that I would deserve that
And now i've been got it
now I know it.

I used to be a good guy
I used to be a nice man
I used to be that
till i decide to change
to fit better in this world
in this cruel world.
It took a long time
and i think that I didn't success as good I should
but I've changed a little bit anyway.

I've been hear many times when someone says to me that
she don't deserve me. They were right
I don't want you to say it
I never want to hear it from you
Now I think that I don't deserve you.
But I do.
I want to believe that I do.
you keep saying that I do
I want to believe your words.

When you lie next to me, I feel comfort, I feel happy
to me this is the happines I've been longing for
oh, I want this to last forever
oh, I never want to lose you
oh, how I miss you when u r so far away
oh, how I longing when we can live together
oh how I want to kiss you
oh how I want to be with you
oh, how much I like you
oh, how much I love you.

When we are together
those moments are so magical
oh, how much I like you
oh, how much I love you

U r my dream
my fantasy
my dearest
my precious
my sweetest
my love
one and only
mon ami..

maaliskuu 2009 "Dancing with tears in my eyes" Olin jo unohtanut tämän, löysin nyt. Tästä oli tarkoitus tehdä biisi, mutta en taida osata enää.

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