those painful memories

Runoilija hulluksi tullut

Liittynyt: 20.1.2008

Asuinpaikka: -

Jos menettää kaiken mitä rakastaa, eikä itseään pysty enää vahvaks tuntemaan. Silloin sanat katoaa, ja itkuun tunteet tahtoo hukuttaa...

Those painfull memories, those who follow me at nights.
They come to my dreams, an force them into nightmare.

They won't leave me alone
They won't leave me alone...

These painfull memories, those who live at my home,
these who live in my heart.

They won't leave me alone
They won't leave me alone...

When I leave home, and when I go to meet my friends,
those painfull memories, they follow me.

They won't leave me alone
They won't leave me alone...

I can kill them, but only for a moment...
I go away from home and I have a moment alone...

They won't leave me alone
They won't leave me alone...

I give them time, time to cry, but only when I'm alone...
No one can see the moment, when they cry, when I cry.

They won't leave me alone
They won't leave me alone...

At the time I get small pieces of my life back...

These painful memories are running away,
running away...

When they have been running far enough,
they start to sing, this beatiful, this painful song...

They sing about them self's,
they sing about these pieces of my life.

Those pieces who don't leave me alone...
Won't leave me alone...
Won't leave me alone...

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