Do we love each other

Runoilija 823fdf32501f6be3a3f9107bef43c870

Liittynyt: 8.3.2006
Viimeksi paikalla: 19.11.2018 16:59

Asuinpaikka: 2a703188e94bc91cb39537ab2f4b5734

Ikuinen kaaos, ikuinen lapsuus, loputon rakkaus... Oi elämä, voitko joskus hetkeksi hellittää?

Once there was a thing called love between us.
Now, in reality we may see it, but it shall not be named again. I thought that we have it till this world ends but now I know...

It has more than one name.
Its not only one love anymore.
That thing has its own life now.

It may give us more feelings than those old days...
We are angry, we hate, we feel sad and alone.
We are happy, we love, we feel partnership and friendship.

When those usual works, householding, own time, friends, school and games.
When those things between us takes control..
I want to ask you something...

Are we anymore in love like we used to be?
Do you still think my eyes are pretty?
You still trust me like you used to?
You still love me?
Love me like theres nothing or anyone else on this universum?

And should I believe if you say yes?
I just need you to confirm this to me...

Because I'm maybe a little bored and unhappy right now...
Even if I would know that you love me...
You need to tell me that, More than once in a month...

If you love me.
Then say it.


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