Everything fades
colors feelings seasons
Everything fades
we're just a faint memory
Everything fades
What is the reason for anything?
Since everything fades
Colors feelings seasons
How much more can i take?
When i know everything fades
Fantasy, hopes, dreams
Reality in truth
Hope in dreams
Open your eyes
How much more can we lie?
Everything fades
WE're just a fading memory
Whatever we do..
We'll fade
There will come a time in future
When no one remembers us
Everything fades
Colors feelings seasons
Nothing lasts forever
Everything fades
Lasts only for a moment
In one moment
Everything fades
Nothing is forever
Eternity is a long time
But it will fade
As everything fades
Tell me a reason to fight this life
Sound fades to silence
Colors fade to grey
Life fades to death
So tell me
Since everything fades
What is the reson?
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