Am I not an idiot

Runoilija jää-herne

Liittynyt: 31.1.2004

Asuinpaikka: -

Mamma säger att det är en gåva att vara så känslig som jag är,
Men sen igen så har hon aldrig stått i mina skor, känt mina känslor.

And doesn't it always turn out the way you planned
Aren't we all just dolls in a play we can't change
Am I not the person now I knew I would change in to

And isn't it hilarious how you really trusted in me then
Am I not the person you'd love to hate right now
Aren't we all just fools for falling and being chained

Am I not an idiot for not trusting the only chance I had
And isn't it funny how I knew this would happen
Aren't we both broken now because of my actions

It was just an illusion and I still gave revenge, sorry
And isn't that all that's left to be said, sorry, I am
Am I not an idiot for not letting you love me, I'm sorry

Sorry for writing shit, but that's the only thing I've been able to say about the situation this far. I'm sorry.


kauhistuin nimeä, ei jotenkin kolahtanut, ja sitten säikähdin toistoa, mutta loppujen lopuksi tämä olikin ihan mukava lukukokemus.


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