Obituary for the Burnt

Runoilija Leviathan

Liittynyt: 25.12.2008

Asuinpaikka: -

Kaikki paremmin ois, jos kaiken kahdesti tehdä vois.
- Goethe

I love you.
Love the way you do,
love the way you come to me,
love the way you are,
love tha way you handle 'em notes to my heart.
I Love the way you turn the keys in my heart to
open my heavy soul.

Now, you aren't here, not with me, to unlock locks.
I'm trapped, in these chains, around my heart, around me.
Come and set me free.
My hungry heart opens, yearns for freedom.
I'm nothing but a friend of shadows, but you were my lover. I was you lithium.

Even in coldness of lonely. I burn for your love.
Now there is only ashes, left behind.
What am I now?
Exposed to all, which I'm not.

I'm despair, but with you I'm happiness. I'm darkness, but with you I'm light. To my and your life. Your essence still haunts here, in these chambers. Come and let my sweeping flows pour. Come back. I love you. I miss you.


Oh, that purple text is another fine poem!


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