Real To Me

Runoilija Aredhel

Liittynyt: 12.11.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 10.11.2022 23:10

Asuinpaikka: -

Kirjoitan eletystä elämästä,
vielä elettävissä olevasta elämästä
ja elämästä, jota en koskaan tule elämään.

Joskus kirjoitan menneisyydestä nykyisyytenä, joskus kirjoitan suoraan sydämestä ja joskus vain kirjoittaakseni. Mitään maatakaatavaa laatua en takaa, mutta ehkä tahdot silti vilkaista ja arvostaisin kommenttiasi.

The sheets damp from our fluids
Our sweat combined
Your fingers wrinkly from
caressing the sweet spots inside
The awkward bodily sounds
Your arm asleep under me
My pillow hair stuck into your cheek
The cold air after the smothering heat

All the things I want at 3:33 at night
that I'd trade for the empty spot by my side
Where I swear I feel your presence
if I concentrate hard
A smile stolen from your blue eyes,
every corny emotion I feel in your arms
Lips nesting on my neck
and sleepy sex words in my ear
All of me holding on to all of you,
like you're the anchor
and the waves are declaring a war

I have never touched you,
yet you've melted into the cells of my skin
In a million imagined kisses
your taste as real as the ground under my feet
We've never shared the same air,
but I know the rhythm of your breaths by heart
From a thousand miles away
you're still the thread that keeps me from coming apart
For I'd rather have a part of you
than nothing at all

This is about loving someone you've never met, and fantasing about the reality of being able to share not just the amazing but also the awkward parts of being together--everything that is real. Love in the digital age, eh?

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