
Runoilija Luonnonlapsi

Liittynyt: 10.9.2004

Asuinpaikka: -

Olemalla oma itsesi muut oppivat tuntemaan sinut paremmin:)

I don't know how to put this...

I don't know how to say it aloud...

I don't seem to know the words...

The words to express my feelings...

This is so so hard...

I don't have the courage to say them...

I just don't know anything anymore....

Everytime i try to say these words they get stuck in my throat...

Everytime i try to tell you how I feel...

It's so hard to say, becase I don't know how you would react...

I'm afraid
I'm scared
I'm frightened
I'm stunned

I just don't know how to tell you how I feel about you...

My deepest desire is that you would feel the same way that I feel, knowing it would seem a little odd.

I just cant find the correct way to say these words...

*whispering* "I love you" <3


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