The Princess Diamond

Runoilija f8d76135a36679a046becda2bcbe348a

Liittynyt: 4.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 9.9.2018 20:45

Asuinpaikka: -

Miten voit sanoa että olet hävinnyt kun et ole vielä aloittanutkaan?

Two gleaming red hot suns of the distant night sky
got together one beautiful clear skied night
and spawned a shimering bright small child

You could look up at her and as time passed, watch
her flicker, each night grow more and more brilliant
on the archway of the sky, her home of the milky way

But one evening she blinked and fell from the heavens
please say, have you ever seen a shooting star pass by
falling into the soft embrace of this Earthly body?

As she impacted she froze into a clear white stone
laid buried for years under a thick layer of soil
eventually found by a miner who sold her for a coin

To a greedier man, who cracked her insides open by force
where to his suprise he found, the most beautiful of
gemstones, the jewel he would call his Princess Diamond

But she wasn't his to own, and as faith has it
one day she slipped out of his pocket into the muddy
gravel of the street, hidden beneath the boardwalk

A lost small boy just happened to sit down beside her
picked her up and took her home where he patiently
cleaned her up and placed her into the center of his hand

He stared at her for a long while, then closed his eyes
in his warm palm the diamond lit up into a strong light
who just happened to open the small boys sleepy mind

He quickly ran out with the diamond, got a ladder
and rushed to climb up and reached as high up as he could
placing her where she belongs, amongst the bright lit stars

As I heard that boy each night sits down at his window
looking up at her, watching her flicker again, he talks to
her, she shimers softly and talks back to him ... always

That is my story about the Princess Diamond


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