I want to let go

Runoilija empty_inside

Liittynyt: 19.12.2003
Viimeksi paikalla: 23.1.2016 1:28

Asuinpaikka: -

I'm young, feeling old and in process of making my dreams a reality.. <3 -Life is a battle field and faith is strongest of my weapons.

Its been so long since you and i were we.
Too long for me.
Cant seem to think anything else than you.
I know its ridiculous after all weve been thru.
Im supposed to be living my dream.
And its me that wrote you out of it.

Now I find myself wishing I hadn’t,
wishing you were part of this.
But I don’t even know you no more.
Don’t know what your doing,
what your thinkin,
who are you with.

I only remember you,
as you were all those years ago.
Still see your smile, your sexy eyes,
I feel your touch.
Why did you let me do this to myself.
You knew me better than anyone else.
You were my everything but I didn’t see it.
Didn’t want to admit it.

Now im living a lie,
pretending to be happy while I cry,
cry silently over our memories.
I want you so badly, but I know
It could never be, between you and me.
I made my bed, now I have to sleep in it.
I created a life with someone else,
so I cant walk away from it.
I made a mistake,
and now I will pay, and pay.


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