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Runoilija DustyDreamer

Liittynyt: 18.12.2009

Asuinpaikka: -

Maanläheinen haaveilija :) Intohimoina esim. musiikki (kaikissa muodoissa; levyjen ja vinyylien "crate diggaus", tuottaminen ym), elokuvat, pelit, mausteiset ruuat, luonto, auringonlaskut, tähtitaivaat ja unelmoiminen naisesta, jonka kanssa jakaa arjen ihmeet.

From dawn to evening, you wake me and put me to sleep
from now til infinity, you in my heart is what I like to keep

You don’t know what you mean to the world
you don’t know you live inside of me every day
every action, every move, every word
anything equal to your bliss has yet to be found
we blossom with joy of life when you’re around

They say ‘look for a better tomorrow’
I think I found mine

You live for yourself
I live for you

Just a few humble words;
I live in hope
I live in faith
thanks to you, I live in love
waiting for the morning sun to join us

Shine, baby, shine

Summer <3



ihanan aurinkoinen runo, hieno!

ps Pois turhat nöyristelyt (few humble words)... :D


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