Be my spark

Runoilija Mr.Melody

Liittynyt: 5.5.2007

Asuinpaikka: -

Kansio 'sanonnat, sananlaskut' on minulla niitä mietelauseita varten, niitä, jotka ovat liian lyhyita tullakseen kutsutuiksi runoiksi. Tsekatkaahan sekin kansio :) Mr.Melody kiittää ja kumartaa.

We could be a one night stand
A fluttering spark
In each other's grey everyday-life
I'd only come back for the night

Just keep in mind, darling
That this song doesn't mean a thing
'Cause I write songs about everything

What are we but loners together
What is this but finding comfort
In the other one's warmth
What is this but lust
And a little crush

We could be soul mates
Soul mates without being lovers
Yes, because I like you
I get you, I like you

Just keep in mind, darling
That this song doesn't mean a thing
'Cause I write songs about everything

What are we but loners together
What is this but finding comfort
In the other one's warmth
What is this but lust
And a little crush

I could be yours if you let me be me


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