My numbers up...

Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns=""><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 28.4.2024 23:00

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi


I spoke to God today; He said´Son you´re astray´;Sumthin totally out of control. Spoke to God today; He said I´m surfin on His wave; and I´ve lost it for good with my soul. So I conjure thee from dephts,I conjure thee appear; I call you the fallen one,come before me,join me here. I spoke to God today;He said ´I don´t care can´t hear you pray; Too busy with the problems of his own. Spoke to God today; He said ´hey move on you´re on my way´; Then erased me from His Book,my number 666 is shown. So I conjure thee of darkness; I conjure thee raise; My God has abandoned me,this soul is yours to embraze. I spoke to God today;He told me he´s afraid; that with us He´s had his time. Today I spoke with God; told me He´s no longer in charge; His time is thru,the other one will rise. So I conjure thee of liars,I conjure thee of fake; I summon you to walk among us, I think this world is yours to take.


Käyttäjän kaikki runot

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ages To whom it may concern 30.12.2014 0 Runo
ages Thars a reason 26.1.2019 0 Runo
ages Hold your thought.. 4.3.2014 0 Runo
ages Siperia nro 2 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Bipolarity 9.4.2015 0 Runo
ages Pelko ? 2.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Putin/ Hitler/ Numbers 3.9.2014 0 Runo
ages Unien Meri 8.5.2015 0 Runo
ages et sub umbra mea... 18.8.2004 0 Runo
ages Rakkauttako..? 29.1.2015 0 Runo
ages Layne 22.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Learn To Speak 1.5.2012 0 Runo
ages Ruben Brandt 5.8.2020 0 Runo
ages Tajunnanvirtaa.. 17.2.2015 0 Runo
ages Replicant 12.3.2015 0 Runo
ages Kevät 24.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Mystinen epilogi 7.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Menneen Talven Lumi 12.12.2014 0 Runo
ages Hulluutta! 22.8.2009 0 Runo
ages on the roundabouts.. 29.8.2013 0 Runo
ages Lips... 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages (kommentti#14) dreamcatcher 30.3.2015 0 Runo
ages Through the looking glass.. 25.3.2014 0 Runo
ages Kielemme 27.1.2015 0 Runo
ages Sudet 11.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Yöllistä... 23.7.2014 0 Runo
ages Genocide 20.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Palat! 24.4.2015 0 Runo
ages Yön värit 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages (huomio) 4.8.2018 0 Runo
ages Siperia nro 1 13.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Nihil Imperit.. 26.7.2004 0 Runo
ages Pisteeseen B 7.10.2014 0 Runo
ages Mr Universe 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages rallienglanti,korkeajännityssaksa ja pakkoruotsi igen 27.5.2015 0 Runo
ages Gaudete,vale ad nostra 14.12.2004 0 Runo
ages Synkkyys ( osa kolme ) 4.9.2020 0 Runo
ages Minions 10.2.2015 0 Runo
ages Puhetta tarvittaessa (hiljaisuus) 12.6.2004 0 Runo
ages fivebyfive 22.11.2021 0 Runo
ages Vampyyri 7.3.2015 0 Runo
ages Kaupassa.. 24.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Pienuus 10.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Hunajateetä.. (ja sympatiaa) 15.3.2015 0 Runo
ages Sadettaja 6.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Punainen Pirkka On Paras Sininen 22.12.2014 0 Runo
ages UOMA (l`uomo) 4.3.2014 0 Runo
ages Morrison 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Tuli 5.4.2015 0 Runo
ages Huono uutinen.. 2.7.2004 0 Runo
