
Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns=""><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 4.6.2024 14:10

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi


I´m the blind who leads you in darkness, to reach the point of a light; I´ll teach you to open your eyes and walk with me in the night. And after the dawn you´ll come to me, you run and you hide and there it´ll be, waiting for you waiting for me, our secret place our sanctuary... I´m the deaf that hears what you´re saying, to listen the words of the real; In anecdotes you serve I can hear the truth, you´re the one with no words you could deal. And after the laugh you can´t walk away,too tired of the jokes for the role you play, but they´ll never see a tear in your eye, a jester of words is the last one to cry... I´m the mute who sings you a lovesong, an unending theme on the wall; With trembling lips and tattered tongue, I´ll sing to say you it all. And after that song you´ll writhe on the floor, knocked out by the tune but wanting much more, your eyes burnt blind you reach for the goal, for your bleeding heart and tornaway soul... I´m the lame to dance all around you, broken legs but unbroken charm; Your devotee with kind permission to swing you within my arms. And after the dance you can´t trust your feet, too far of the ground aware of your pique,sitting there and thinking too scared to talk, for you planned straight run not perimeter walk...


Käyttäjän kaikki runot

Runoilija Runon nimi LuontipäiväLajittele nousevasti Kommentteja Kategoria
ages Hiljaa, Pimeään... 29.8.2015 5 Runo
ages Leipää? ja sirkushuveja 25.8.2015 2 Runo
ages Jälkiruokakokki 25.8.2015 2 Runo
ages Every flickin Thing! 25.8.2015 2 Runo
ages Tummina Taivaalla 25.8.2015 2 Runo
ages Hyvää Päivää! 24.8.2015 2 Runo
ages Morgan Le Fay 16.8.2015 3 Runo
ages Ikkuna 8.8.2015 1 Runo
ages Metsästä 8.8.2015 2 Runo
ages Ruumiinvalvojaiset/ Testamentti 8.8.2015 3 Runo
ages osiriksen silmä 6.8.2015 3 Runo
ages Stop! 1.8.2015 1 Runo
ages Voice Of Thor 1.8.2015 2 Runo
ages Esteri 29.7.2015 6 Runo
ages Olisihan se ollutkin.. 29.7.2015 1 Runo
ages Absurdia, aBsurdia 28.7.2015 4 Runo
ages Nothing Seems What It Is 22.7.2015 2 Runo
ages Sähköposti 22.7.2015 3 Runo
ages Limbo 22.7.2015 2 Runo
ages Ei kaikki ole miltä näyttää 22.7.2015 1 Runo
ages Kirje 17.7.2015 5 Runo
ages Itku Pitkästä... 17.7.2015 3 Runo
ages Dave 15.7.2015 1 Runo
ages Tapauskohtainen 15.7.2015 1 Runo
ages Tuhottomasti 15.7.2015 3 Runo
ages Darkness Darkness 15.7.2015 4 Runo
ages Uhraus 7.7.2015 2 Runo
ages Yltiöpäistä ? 6.7.2015 7 Runo
ages Boxing match 25.6.2015 1 Runo
ages D Adams ja delfiinit 20.6.2015 1 Runo
ages muistaisinko Flebasta? 20.6.2015 1 Runo
ages Liikaa pieneen mieleen.. 20.6.2015 3 Runo
ages Full Understanding (of the Universe) 20.6.2015 2 Runo
ages Trötzi 18.6.2015 3 Runo
ages still here, considering.. 18.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Ei silti vielä (liian) lihava? 18.6.2015 2 Runo
ages olinko? 14.6.2015 3 Runo
ages Iron(Lung)Man 13.6.2015 1 Runo
ages Osin Pelottavaa 13.6.2015 2 Runo
ages Korvaorgasmi 12.6.2015 1 Runo
ages Lumihiutale 10.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Pienuus 10.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Kommentti # Pohjakivi 10.6.2015 0 Runo
ages mutta todellisuus 7.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Mystinen epilogi 7.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Marjaisaa... 7.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Science(fiction?) # 7.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Sadettaja 6.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Mitä sanoinkin.. 6.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Pelko ? 2.6.2015 0 Runo
