
Runoilija domandra

Liittynyt: 29.8.2007
Viimeksi paikalla: 16.6.2023 17:26

Asuinpaikka: -

"Aina ei voi voittaa. Jotkut ei koskaan."

I had the same dream about you again
you were standing beside my bed
Eyes glittering and yoour smile telling me
You were home again

As you lay down next to me
you whispered gently to me
Moonlight could never hide your shine
you will always be only mine

All this could never be true
these feelings belong to fools
You are perfect in every way
But how could your life end that way

Bright and joyfull from ear to ear
You made the rainbows look pale
Your laughter made my day, your kisses I still feel them
But not everyone could see how
Our love could be natural

They took you by surprise
Forced you to an empty alley
They took your shine and emptied your soul
They slashed at you and you were gone

All this could never be true
these feelings belong to fools
You are perfect in every way
But how could your life end that way

Kaikki rakkaus on mielestäni täydellistä, tapahtui se sitten miesten tai naisten välillä. En ymmärrä miten joku voisi olla sitä vastaan, että ihmiset rakastavat toisiaan. Ja on kauheaa mitä ihmiset toisilleen tekevät, kiduttavat ja tappavat jos joku on rakkaudessa vähän erilainen...

Käyttäjän kaikki runot

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