The Raven

Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns=""><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 4.6.2024 14:10

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi


Theres a raven sittin upon a tree
and lookin up to moon
He knows that someone else feeds him
until the the Day Of Doom
Storms comin wind is blowin clouds in the sky
birds escape and leave their cages
they pay a hard price...

The Raven waits for twilight
resting through the day
Night is falling after daylight
the bird will awake
Only mad is working hard
and raven is no loser
Bird of wrath spreading horror
from now until forever...

As a bird were fly around
every night and day
For the lack of any honour
The Raven will remain
Night is dark but even darker
is the deaths bird brain
He finds you rich and leaves you broke
gives you only pain...

if you were raven would you choose
the side of saint or sinner?
good guys always losing all
and raven is the winner

nothing or noone can keep him down
he always wins in the end
believe my warning take the heed
he will take you as present..



Ei hyvät aina häviä, kun ei kaikkia kiinnosta rentut... Hyvä runo.



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