Lost At Sea

Runoilija cabeb03ef9b39c8abd0504925e7663e0

Liittynyt: 7.5.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 26.1.2018 23:53

Asuinpaikka: 96c948813f64c7d41224d3cdfee7946f

Who am I?

My name is George.

I believe that streaming thoughts into words, sentences and meaningful text brings up the joy and sheer excitement into more suitable art form, rather than be hopelessly lost alone in the public.  When lumberjack cuts down a tree, one might hear the sound in the woods but nobody else witnesses the fall.

I want all of you beloved readers to share your thoughts with me, to have a little laugh with me, to smile with your heart open and rejoice while were spending our time on this earthly rock planet going 67 000 miles per hour.

So grab yourself your most comfortable socks and share some of your life with me! Feel free to comment, tinker and dabble on the dashboard of our mutual ride to lunacy! Cheers!



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